Everything You Need To Know About Your Account
Starting with your personal profile
When signing up and creating an account, you will be entering information like:
your name
your pickup and delivery address
your phone number or best contact information
your laundry preference(s)​
This feature allows you to save you information to make your booking process as simple as possible for each time you are scheduling a pickup. It also helps us visit your profile upon washing your order, drying your order and choosing your favored products; this way your laundry always comes back smelling and feeling just the way you like it!
The best part, you have access to your rewards points and updates on how close you are to saving on you next order! This also explains our loyalty tiers and how you can start to earn double and quadruple the points you get per $1 you spend!

Your information

Your Order History
When logging into your account, you can see all of your information needed to make scheduling a pickup as smooth as possible. One of these features is being able to look at all of your orders you have booked with us.
Your Wallet
Another important tool your account has is being able to keep your preferred payment method(s) ready for your next pickup so you can book within minutes! No more looking for your wallet every time the laundry needs to be done.
Managing Booking
and Memberships
This feature is important. We're happy to offer a way for you to see your upcoming pickups and monthly memberships. If something comes up and you won't be able to put your laundry out for pickup, you can choose a better time or day right from your account.
You can also see your upcoming membership and when it renews in case you want to upgrade or cancel your plan with us.